Helping People To Purchase Property With Confidence!

Licensed Home Inspector / Commercial Inspector

State Licensed Home Inspector / Commercial Inspector. Providing our customers with a clear and thorough property inspections and thermal imaging. Commercial Inspections for Construction verifying companies and Banks in Ohio and surrounding states. 



Lead Base Paint Risk Assessor - Radon Specialist / Mitigator

Licensed Lead base paint (LBP) Risk Assessor and Radon tester / mitigator. Do you feel you are living in an unsafe environment? Our company will provide accurate testing of potential harmful toxians including landlord and HUD LBP Clearances. 



Licensed Home Inspector   OHI.2019005675

Lead Risk Assessor License# LA9671 

Radon Licence   Specialist# OHRS489   Mitigation# OHRC300

Infrared Imaging Certified



I'm Mike, owner of Green Planet Property Inspections. My company specializes in property inspections and energy audits for residential and commercial properties. We also specialize in Radon Mitigation for your home. Whether you need a general inspection or an energy audit, radon mitiagtion, or radon testing, Green Planet Property Inspections is the company for you. With over 12 years of experience and extensive education, Green Planet Property Inspections will give you the confidence you need to buy a home or simply feel comfortable in the home you currently live in. We are overzealous about going "green" so we offer other testing besides a gerneral home inspection. We are not just home inspectors, we are Building Scientist. 

 Military discounts are available to all my fellow vets and current military. 

Click for the BBB Business Review of this Energy Audits in Cleveland Hts OH

Our Services



Basic Home Inspection :

      Entails a general home inspection (including infared imaging) for the entire property identifying any deficiences. We provide a professional easy to read detailed report with photos and recommendations. We also provide radon testing so you can have surety that the home is safe. If Radon levels are 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) or above, it is recommended to have Green Planet mitigate your home. 


  • General Home Inspection.......................................... $350.00
  • Commercial Bank Inspection ....................................$100.00 (+$.70 cent per mile)
  • Lead Base Paint Risk Assessment..............................$650.00
  • Lead Clearances.............................................................$550.00
  • Radon Testing .............................................................. $150.00
  • General Home Inspection & Radon Testing........... $400.00
  • Radon Mitigation.......................................................  $1,550.00


Advanced Home Inspection (For current homeowners and contractors only)

     Green Planet Property Inpsections is one of only a few inspection companies in the country that go above and beyond a general home inspection and radon mitagation. Moving into a home is stressful enough, but not knowing how high your energy bills or how comfortable your home will be can be more stressful. Our advanced home inspection entails an invasive energy audit to test the efficiency of your appliances and HVAC system, or we can perform a non invasive home depressurization test to determine the amount and location of air leakage and also test heating ducts to check the amount of forced heat or condition air going to the outside. Blower door testing and Duct leakage testing will satisfy the mandatory requirement for contractors to abide by State Code RCO Section 1105.

  • House Depressurization (blower door, infared).....$150.00
  • Air Duct leakage test ...................................................$150.00​​
  • Complete Energy Audit ...............................................$350.00


Accept all major credit cards

Military Discount  5%


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